So many years, so many experiences, so many things to share. My son is only 11 years old. But when I walk into his room I’m confronted with a myriad of visual stimulation. Pictures on the walls, souvenirs on bookshelves, hand-made cards and memories pinned to a bulletin board and small trophies in a case. With each there is significance and meaning. Is it any wonder that when it comes to the art of show and tell, he’s not sure where to begin? I know just how he feels! And though I do have age and experience on my side, I also have exponentially more things to consider.
As I sat down to put in motion the idea of making more of my passion as an artist (see About section of website) I was flooded with decades of creating things. What should I consider? Where does it go? How do I present it? Thousands of hours multiplied by as many ideas all pouring out over the rim of my coffee onto the desk and then splashing down on the studio floor. It’s overwhelming and yet exhilarating at the same time.
Detail from Conscious Conscience gallery page
I knew then that I had to remove the imaginative dreamer chapeau and don a more methodology-driven cap. First up, inventory! Yes, that process of making a complete list of things, then ordering those things to make them accessible. That way, when you get back to creating, you can find what you need without interrupting your flow.
What eased the pain for me was the joy of reconnecting with my artwork one by one—and with the unique circumstances of each. In fact, this investment of time and reflection was incredibly valuable. Like a film editor in a darkened room discovering all the planned and unplanned possibilities hidden in the images speeding across her glowing screen. There, in the throes of seeing what I had to work with, and how I could apply it to my goals, is where the creative process began anew.
Taking inventory is highly underrated. Sure, at times it may be a simple physical (or digital) task. But given the right approach and guided by critical thinking, it can yield revelations. It’s a powerful enabler for those who use it to advantage.
I invite you to take a few moments to review some of the results of my inventory—thoughtfully edited, prepared and presented on my newly launched website: Michael Easley Creative. Thank you for your time and any comments you wish to share.